特にアニメーションでは、厚塗り絵の具で断片的な映像をつなぐ実験的な作品形式が特徴で、展示や映画での表現にとどまらず、MUSIC VIDEOや、テレビCM、ファッションブランドHermèsとのコラボレーションなど多岐に渡り活動。
2021.3 東京藝術大学美術学部デザイン科 卒業
2022.6 クマ財団6期生 採択
2023.3 東京藝術大学映像研究科アニメーション専攻 修了
2023.4 映像作家 100人 2023 選出/掲載
2024.2 クマ財団活動支援生採択
2024.4 映像作家100人 2024 選出
国際短編映画祭 SSFF&ASIA 2022 東京 上映
Animtn!映画祭 ウクライナ 上映
ASK?映像祭2022 東京 上映
the 6th Festival of Animation Berlin 2022 ドイツ、ベルリン 上映
Lugano animation days スイス 上映
the 17 Days Video Series hosted by Western Michigan University アメリカ ミシガン州 上映展示
クマ財団exhibition 【pneuma - 息衝く-】 展示
東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科 国際合同講評会 和田淳賞
paradise wall 審査員 imma賞受賞 上映
Live Soundtrack 2023 スェーデン,セルビア その他上映
Voronezh International Animation Festival 上映
the Streetside Cinema festival 上映
ASK映像祭2023 大賞
animaphix film festival イタリア シチリア上映
Student World Impact Film Festival 上映、Best Animation
Ottawa International animation festival world student panorama カナダ,オタワ上映
19th World Festival of Animated Film Varna ブルガリア上映
Camera Japan Festival オランダ上映
LINOLEUM Animation Festival ウクライナ上映
Animex Screen student films in competition 2023 イギリス上映
XENIA Festival イタリア上映
the 22nd edition of the Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival スイス上映
第10回新千歳空港国際アニメーション映画祭 北海道上映
札幌国際短編映画祭2023 Ken Ishii 賞受賞北海道上映
TINDIRINDIS 2023 ラトビア上映
the ICONA 2023 Animation Festival ギリシャ上映
Varsty Film Expo アフリカ上映
21 Island International Short Film ニューヨーク上映
毎日映画コンクール 入選
CGCコンテスト 入選
MOVOP – Animation Screening & Exhibition – ディジティ・ミニミ、東京 企画立案 展示上映
pune animetion festival インド上映
ASK2023大賞展 個展「三度目の信号を無視して」
ソノアイダ # TOKYO MIDTOWN AWARD 第6期「ゆきて、ぴゅーーー」展示
biscuit gallery「grid 4」展示
ART FAIR TOKYO (biscuit gallery) 展示
Artist and Animation artist
Lina Machida's works have been shown in cinemas and exhibitions in over 20 countries.
She creates works on the theme of “not losing loss,” using a variety of mediums including animation, video, glass, light, and electronics.
In particular, her animations are characterized by an experimental style in which she uses thick paints to connect fragments of images.
Her activities are not limited to exhibitions and films, but also include music videos, TV commercials, and collaborations with the fashion brand Hermès.
2021.3 Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design
2022.6 Adopted as a 6th year student of the Kuma Foundation
2023.3 Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Animation, Graduate School of Film and New Media
Roppongi Art Night Spin-off Project Film Screenings
International Short Film Festival SSFF&ASIA 2022 Tokyo
Animtn! Film Festival Ukraine
ASK Film Festival 2022 Tokyo, Japan
the 6th Festival of Animation Berlin 2022 Berlin, Germany
Lugano animation days, Switzerland
the 17 Days Video Series hosted by Western Michigan University, Michigan, USA
Kuma Foundation exhibition "pneuma" Exhibition
Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Film and New Media, International Joint Critique Session, Atsushi Wada Award
Paradise Wall Jury imma Prize, Screening
Germany NIPPON CONNECTION Germany screening
Live Soundtrack 2023 Sweden,Serbia Other Screenings
Voronezh International Animation Festival
the Streetside Cinema festival
ASK Film Festival 2023 Grand Prize
animaphix film festival, Sicily, Italy
Student World Impact Film Festival, Best Animation
Ottawa International animation festival world student panorama, Ottawa, Canada
19th World Festival of Animated Film Varna Bulgaria
Camera Japan Festival, screened in Holland
LINOLEUM Animation Festival Ukraine screening
Animex Screen student films in competition 2023 UK Screening
XENIA Festival Italy Screening
the 22nd edition of the Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival Switzerland Screening
The 10th New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival Hokkaido Screening
Sapporo International Short Film Festival 2023 Hokkaido Screening
TINDIRINDIS 2023 Latvia Screening
the ICONA 2023 Animation Festival Greece screening
Varsty Film Expo Africa Screening
21 Island International Short Film New York
Mainichi Film Contest, Honorable Mention
CGC Contest, Honorable Mention
MOVOP - Animation Screening & Exhibition - Djiti Minimi, Tokyo Planning, Exhibition Screening
pune animetion festival, India Screening
ASK2023 Grand Prize Exhibition, Solo Exhibition “Ignore the Third Signal
ASK “Roadside Inspection Flying Body” Exhibition
Sonoaida # TOKYO MIDTOWN AWARD 6th “Yukite, Pyoooo” Exhibition
biscuit gallery “grid 4” Exhibition
ART FAIR TOKYO (biscuit gallery) Exhibition
Twitter/instagram @machi_achic0